WBJEE 2007

June 6, 2007
Well ,well, well.
The results are out and here I am with a dismal rank 😦 I secured 1432 in the WBJEE 2007 . I don’t really know what caused such a poor rank. Whatever it may be, I regret my effort. I’ll have counselling on 5th of July 2007 and probably will get some college. All the details regarding the counseling have been put up on www.csc-et.org .

The closing ranks of last year suggest that I might get a seat in all the WB colleges except JU and BESU Shibpur. I’m trying to get admitted in IEM in the CSE dept. However, I’m not sure regarding the availability of seats this year.

Whatever the case might be, I’m not really upset. Rather I’m more determined, now that I’ve been given a reality check.

Back in action…After 30 odd days

April 17, 2007

I’m done with WordPress for the moment. I noticed several shortcomings in WordPress as regards to image uploads. In any case, Blogger was a better medium. Hence, I’m back in action here. The WordPress blog will continue to exist but I shall try to post on blogger. 😀

This time I’ll try to be consistent with my word 😀