Synfig – for the animator in you…

April 20, 2007

Those of you who’ve been fascinated by animations – 2D/3D, would have also wanted to animate something of their own. In that case, all you need is some time,creativity, a plot, some characters and more importantly, a tool. The tool here, is a software, an animation suite. The commercial ones sure are powerful, but are very expensive for most of us. In such a scenario, Open Source comes to our rescue.
Enter Synfig. Developed by Voria Studios, Synfig is a high quality 2D animation suite, which was declared Open Source quite some time ago. To realise its potential, click here to see the gallery of the work done using it. If you’re impressed, go ahead, download it, spend some time learning it, and then unleash the animator in you.
To go to the Synfig site, click here.